28 September 2011

How Many, you say?

Romans 1: 11-12 "I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith."

How many kids do you have?  Seems like an easy answer for most of us.  You know your children.  When someone asks you that question, they all come to your mind by name.  You wouldn't dare say 2 when you know you have 3.  It would be like denying a part of yourself.  It would not honor all of your children.  It would not honor all that Christ has graciously given to you.  Seems reasonable to say 3.  But what happens when one dies?  What do you say?  What do you say when your soul cries out 3, but you only have 2 standing there?  Do you say 2 and deny part of yourself... deny all the blessings God has given to you?  Do you say 2 because to say 3 might make someone uncomfortable because you know they will ask their ages and you then have to explain that one lives in heaven and now things are uncomfortable?  What do you say?  I think this is a question each mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or cousin has to answer for themselves.  I'm not sure there is a right answer, but my soul shouts 3.  Making others comfortable in a fallen world where pain and suffering and sin abound is not my goal.  My goal is to be true to God, true to myself, and to honor all that God has given me.  Honestly sometimes I do say 2.  Each time I do, I feel this subtle prick of conviction.  I dread that question and yet God has blessed my answer of 3 so many times.  Women have thanked me, my husband has thanked me, grieving people thank me... it seems to give them permission to declare their journey as well.  So, I stand here to tell you... I have 3 beautiful children.  Luke, Jack and Ella.  Luke is 6, Ella is 3 and Jack is living in the care of his heavenly father.  How many kids do you have?

Last Tuesday I was at a store with Luke. Someone asked me if I had any other children. How am I supposed to answer that question for the rest of my life. If I say no, I would feel like I’m lying and not acknowledging Jack. If I say yes and explain that he died, people will feel like they have to come up with something to say and it changes everyone’s mood. Why do people always feel like they have to say something?

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